My name is Ryan Persson

I am a student at Oregon State University studying mathematics & computer science.

This website is a collection of various personal projects & things that I have worked on.

Mind Map

Zettelkasten Mindmap & Task Management

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DeepDream art

DeepDream Artwork

Deep learning generated art. I made these images using a scaled up resolution version of Google's DeepDream neural net running in a Docker container on a GPU accelerated Google Cloud Instance.

Technologies used in this project:

  • GCP (Google Cloud Provider)
  • Docker
  • DeepDream (Credits to Google for pretrained model)
  • Tensorflow
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noli store

Noli Store

This is a website I recently made for a local business.

Technologies used in this project:

  • html
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Firebase
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This Webpage

Portfolio Website

The website you are currently browsing. I created it in order to grow more comfortable with web development frameworks and to make a place to showcase my other projects.

Technologies used in this project:

  • html
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • Firebase
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A Linear Algebra library built in C++. I built this project, in order to gain a more intuitive understanding of how many operations in Linear Algebra work. In addition to helping me better understand linear algebra, building this program helped me apply the knowledge of Object Oriented programming, pointers and working with dynamic memory in C++ that I learned in school.

Technologies and Concepts used in this project:

  • C++
  • Pointers
  • Dynamic Memory allocation
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Matrix operations and Linear Algebra
Legendre Polynomials

Gramm Schmidt Normalization in Numpy

This program uses the Gramm Schmidt process to take in an arbitrary basis for a finite vector space and output a Linearly Independent Basis which spans the vector space. In the example pictured, the arbitrary vector space is that of Polynomials of degree 0 - n. When an integral inner product is used, this generates the Legendre Polynomials which act as a basis for anaylitical functions (functions describable as a taylor maclaurin series) in R^n.

Technologies and Concepts used in this project:

  • Python3
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Sympy
  • Mathematical Simulation
  • Vectorization in python

CSS Gradient Generator

A web app which allows you to experiment with creating different CSS gradients. When you find one which fits your theme, you can directly copy the CSS to use on your stylesheet.

Technologies and Concepts used in this project:

  • CSS
  • Javascript
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Maze Game

This was my final project in CS 162. It is a simple command line game that demonstrates use of OOP principles in C++, as well as use of a makefile and header files to tie together various parts of a large program.

Concepts used in this project:

  • C++
  • OOP
  • Pointers and Dynamic Memory Usage.
data structures

Data Structures

Various useful data structures implemented in C. The purpose of this project was to both develop a better understanding of working in C and to gain experience building and working with several data structures.

Technologies and Concepts used in this project:

  • C
  • Lists
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Dynamic Arrays
  • Binary Search Trees
Linear Regression

Linear Regression in C++

This was one of my first programs in C++. It takes in a set of data points in R^2 and performs linear regression on them.
